- Key community connection role
- Broker the safety process
- Ovens Murray regional responsibility
We are seeking an Aboriginal Family-Led Decision Making (AFLDM) Convenor with responsibility across North East Victoria who will lead the program to protect Aboriginal children and young people through family-led, culturally safe practices.
Family-led decision making has been a feature of Victoria’s Child Protection decision making and planning process, and is guided by Aboriginal cultural values and traditional approaches of decision making by involving Elders and actively seeking the involvement of the wider family networks in the decision-making process.
The AFLDM program is the preferred decision-making process for Aboriginal children who have been substantiated as having suffered, or being likely to suffer, abuse or neglect. The AFLDM program is a partnership formed between DHHS and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, so you must have the ability to manage these key relationships.
We now seek someone who will:
* adopt a holistic approach that encompasses the social, emotional, spiritual and cultural wellbeing of individuals and the Aboriginal community as a whole
* develop strategies to support the cultural needs of families
* develop an understanding of intergenerational trauma, grief and loss and their impacts
* develop an understanding of broader Aboriginal cultural identity and broader cultural practices
* provide learning opportunities to enhance the cultural knowledge of staff.
If you are looking for a position where you can be proud of your positive impact on the safety and protection of Aboriginal children and families, please reach out to Dan Sawyer on 0403 899143 for more information.